Author |
Title of presentation |
View of presentation |
Andrea Baldassarri |
Average avalanche shape as a probe of non-equilibrium systems: hopes and pitfalls |
Attia Batool |
Failure avalanches of the fiber bundle model on complex networks |
Attila Gergely |
Avalanche-size statistics in a Burridge-Knopoff type spring-block model |
Blai Casals |
Avalanche criticality during ferroic switching |
Daniel Korchinski |
Criticality in neuronal avalanches without timescale separation |
Daniel Korchinski |
Avalanche phase diagram for thermally activated yielding in amorphous solids |
David Kurunczi-Papp |
Dislocation avalanches from strain rate controlled loading: a discrete dislocation dynamics study |
Dezső L. Beke |
Denouement of the energy-amplitude and size-amplitude enigma for acoustic emission avalanches |
Doron Shilo |
Investigation of avalanche phenomena by simultaneous measurements of different variables |
Eduard Vives |
Avalanche dynamics in materials for elastocaloric cooling |
Emil Bronstein |
Tracking twin boundary jerky motion at nanometer and microsecond scales |
Géza Ódor |
Non-universal avalanches and burstiness in brain network models |
Guillaume Nataf |
Avalanches in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials |
Jordi Baró |
The role of structural heterogeneity in avalanche statistics: Deformability bridges universality classes in numerical granular assemblies under deviatoric loading |
Kay J. Wiese |
What is the correct theory for avalanches |
Kristián Máthis |
New insights into the spatiotemporal structure of plastic flow by combination of modeling and in-situ experimental techniques |
Lasse Laurson |
Depinning transition and Barkhausen avalanches of thin film domain walls with internal degrees of freedom |
László Z. Tóth |
Scaling of average avalanche shapes for acoustic emission during jerky twin boundary motion in single-crystalline Ni2MnGa |
Marcin Mińkowski |
Strain-rate-dependent predictability of discrete dislocation plasticity |
Mikko Alava |
Avalanches in dislocation plasticity |
Nirvana Caballero |
From bulk descriptions to emergent interfaces |
Osvanny Ramos |
The LabQuakes project: from a granular fault to earthquake statistics |
Tero Mäkinen |
Avalanches in fatigue and crossover from creep to fatigue |
Zsuzsa Danku |
Breaking avalanches in the limit of high disorder of the fiber bundle model |